Led by: Dayna Thompson
Email: dthompson6@iuhealth.org
Led by: Linda Wright
Email: lwright@swirca.org
Led by: Lucie Scott
Email: lscott24@iuhealth.org
Led by: Teresa Durbin
Led by: Brittany Dempsey
Email: bdempsey12487@gmail.com
Led by: Megan Dietsch
Led by: Kelly Smith
Email: Kjsmith@lifestreaminc.org
Led by: Holly Hess
Email: hhess@cicoa.org
Led by: Jenifer Neideg
Email: jen.neidig@neisoul.com
Led by: Sue Lamborn
Email: Slamborn@thrive-alliance.org
Led by: Polly Story
Email: polly.story@brickyardhc.com
Led by: Natasha Hopper
Email: nhopper1@iuhealth.org
Led by: Brenda Hancock
Email: bhancock@vinu.edu
Led by: Christina Davidson & Marta Guinn
Email: mguinn@seniorhelpers.com

Dementia Friendly Community Listings
Amanda Oporta, Dementia Friendly Indiana State Lead Liaison has been instrumental in building and supporting the state's Dementia Friendly initiatives. In 2017, she was one of the founders of the Bloomington, IN chapter, the state's first Dementia Friendly community. Amanda currently works for IU Health Alzheimer's and Dementia Resource Services, where she brings her expertise and passion for creating communities that are welcoming and supportive of people living with dementia. Her leadership and dedication have been key in advancing the mission of Dementia Friendly Indiana.
Email: aoporta@iuhealth.org
Don’t see your community listed below?
Are you interested in finding out how your community can become involved or what the process is?