Dementia Friendly Bloomington

Liaison Contact Information:

Dayna Thompson:

Phone: 812.353.9299

Dayna Thompson is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Certified Dementia Professional, Positive Approach to Care Trainer and Consultant, she has a history of work in behavioral health and has been working in dementia care for over 10 years.

What is your connection to dementia?

Dayna: These days it is mostly professional – supporting people living with dementia in living their best lives.  Both of my grandmothers also had dementia (Alzheimer’s and Wernike-Korsakoff’s).

I am proud that Bloomington is the first DF community in Indiana and that we have a good number of people living with dementia from this area who are advocating locally and across the US for better DF practices.

  • This group is comprised of people living with dementia and care partners. The group organizes a care partner book club, an annual caregiver recognition event, consults with other DF groups in the area, and engages in advocacy.

    For more information, contact Amanda at

  • This “core team” coordinates other dementia friendly committees and plans large events such as conferences and advocacy efforts.

    For more information, contact Dayna at

  • Description text goThis group meets every other month to learn about the benefits of the arts for people living with dementia and to improve access to and support for people living with dementia in arts spaces and activities.

    For mor information, contact Dayna at dthompson6@iuhealth.orges here

  • This group focuses on improving supports for people living with dementia and care partners in our community, as well as better equipping our healthcare and social service systems to support PLWD.

    For more information, please contact Heather at

Since 2017, when Bloomington was designated a dementia friendly community, we have accomplished so much.

  • A Dementia Friendly Care Partner Development Program was launched and has been recognized across the country as leading the way in how we can shape Dementia Support.

  • Several local people living with dementia have spoken about their lived experience and are leading the way in changing the stigma surrounding dementia at regional and state conferences, and even on a NATIONAL board.

  • Committees and community partners have worked hard in developing innovative programs and have advocated for change at the local, state, and national level by speaking up and speaking out to leaders.

  • We were also PROUD to participate in the FIRST annual “Taking it to the Streets” event in 2023 - disrupting the algorithm of “dementia” to show how we LIVE WELL with a changing brain.

Learn about our local Dementia Friendly Committees

Supported by:

Southern Indiana Physicians Neurology (IU Health) and IU Health Foundation

Thank you to all of the businesses who have completed their Level II Certification in our area!

We appreciate you going above and beyond!

Interested in getting involved?

See how you can become a Dementia Friend or a Dementia Friendly Location to support your community today!

Know an amazing professional caregiver?

The 2024 Outstanding Caregiver Recognition Awards (OCRA) are closed for this year, however don’t forget to check often the applications to open for next year!